Gears of War, Video Games, XBox One

Gears Therapy

What is one to do when she finally finds the controller in her hand especially if it happens to have been a very long, needley Friday & has been a while since you have let your proverbial hair down with your friends AND the next installment of your most favorite video game series is hot off the presses?? Why you call a Drunk Gears night!! Which is precisely what I did. I put the call out to Horde Zero (a group of folks who happens to be some of my favorite humans not to mention some for the most big-hearted bad-asses I have ever had the pleasure of meeting and calling friends) and they answered in a big way!

With too many to go live as a team or to horde, we choose one of the best ways to play: against one another. Nothing is more loving than two-piecing your friends, chainsawing your pals or high-fiving your besties in the head with the butt of your Boltok pistol. Mix that up with a drink of choice and surround yourself with good people &  it’s damn near paradise. Seriously, the laughter and joy of friends, the easy (and sometimes crazy) conversations infused with sweet cherry wine (or vodka) and the madness & mayhem & gore that is my beloved Gears of War would be a wonderful way to spend all of my days. Throw in a few carnal pleasures every now and then & perhaps a slice of pepperoni and bacon pizza every third day or so & I would die a very, very happy girl. Heaven!

Things were discovered last night…

  • Blood, the chainsaw princess & I make one hell of a team. Especially when the wine is flowing & the shotties are warm. Boys beware: We may be small & cute & sweet but we will kill you!
  • Frags are not necessarily your friend. (Dammit, Bobbo!)
  • Never use the boom shot close range.
  • Rainbow warriors do exist & they are deadly.
  • Whores are necessary and make the world go ’round. Check your history.
  • Buzz Kills will ricochet and Embars might as well be popsicle sticks.
  • Sometimes the backdoor is the only door.
  • Yanking & Shanking under any other circumstances would probably be a good thing.
  • Wrac can bounce & Rez can sing.
  • Peanut M&M’s have a reviving quality. Especially the green ones

And most of all…we remembered how much we love & miss each other & how much fun it is to be together <3.

Thank you, Gears. Thank you, Rod Ferguson. Thank you, Xbox Live. Thank you, HZ.

You helped me to remember that I am truly a lucky girl.

*Just to be clear, underage drinking is not endorsed or recommended by any member of HZ, a group of mature gamers. All associated are 21 or over.*

