Gaming, Xbox

5 Great Things That Have Come From Playing Destiny

These are my top five favorite things about Destiny. There are many other beautiful assets that I don’t have time to discuss today. We will talk about those in person if we ever run into each other on XBL. 😉

!. My friends and I now have a very good reason to game together. We began as a Gears of War group. We met and bonded over the saga of the fate of Sera. Because of those games  (specifically Gears 2 & 3) I met and became extremely close with some of my best friends. We are like family. Every great game should have the ability to bring the gaming community together. There have been others that my regs & I bought specifically for the multiplayer so that we could all hang out together and have fun. But honestly, this past year the pickings have been slim on games that were both exciting and multiplayer. Destiny has very nicely filled that immense void.

2. There are some very good and very funny Destiny parodies to come out of the community since release date. My personal favorite is this:

I love it! Shout out to it’s creator! If my xbl profile could have a song, this would be it! lol! And seriously, just cruise youtube. There are plenty of Destiny themed, fan-based tributes to the game.

3. The people playing this MMO seem to be extremely nice & helpful. Friends helping friends (both old and new) with strikes & missions & sharing helpful info with perfect strangers is what I’m finding at Tower. This type of positive behavior always makes me feel proud to be a gamer.

4. Finally, there is a game in my library that I can’t seem to take out of my tray. Seems like forever since a game had this effect on me. Something about it keeps me coming back for more. I believe there are many others who agree.

5.Not only have I learned what Fallen, Hive and Cabal are but I also now know some new lingo, such as Dinklebot & Little Light. I have learned that Hunters can’t jump and that Crucible ain’t so bad. That ghosts can be dead and warlocks can be female. To hold on to your relic iron and to use ascendant materials wisely. That all bosses have a weakness and that the Cryptarch is a bit twisted. I have learned that the finale creates more questions than answers. And best of all….there is more to come! I hear the DLC will be dropping in December.


2 thoughts on “5 Great Things That Have Come From Playing Destiny

  1. Ellis of Chaos says:

    Well said my dear cousin. For the first time in a long long while things are feeling like a community again. Meeting new players that are cool like Trap and Zechs and a few others. Even randoms are usually good guys instead of the normal douchebags we have run into online. The game is far from perfect but they are working on it. Most MMO’s have a rocky start. The addictiveness is still there and the peope who bought it and talked trash are still hooked and grinding with the rest of us, so the formula is there. In my opinion this is a stepping stone, that future games should be social like this and combine elements of games into one world.
    “Do you want to kill the fallen? The Galaxy needs us to save it, you being such a douche.”


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